Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov. 2, 2010 Ginny via Lisa

Dear Family and Friends,

I spoke with Ginny today and Joe is doing great. His infectious disease doctor in Huntsville, Dr. Spera (sp?), who also treated him after the incident, is monitoring Joe very closely and reports that his labs are looking quite good. Joe is fatigued still, which the doctor said is to be expected given the infection, the incident itself and all the surgeries, but he is feeling pretty good overall. A nurse comes in on Monday and Friday to change the dressing and take blood. He's getting on Ginny to train for the turkey trot but Ginny wants to wait until they both can train together. I neglected to post the email Ginny sent at end of last week about Joe's progress--so sorry. Here it is and love to all, Lisa

Wow. Joe is so much better with new medicines. I am so relieved but watching like a hawk for swelling or any other indications that the new, much less offensive, antibiotics are not working as well as the original one that completely tore him up. Joe is so tired/fatigued. This is likely due to both the infection and all of the anti-nausea medicines being used. The latter I am trying to wean off. But so cautious. I sure don't want to set his system into another tailspin. Other than the first week home after Atlanta, this has been the worst. But it to is behind us and there is no reason to think otherwise. Joe sleeping so I am sleeping....and eating. Jackie and Phil will attest to that!! They left just this morning thinking we are again back to forward progress.

So all is good. Keith is once again back to errand boy, getting a few groceries tonight. If this week continues to go well, hopefully therapy can be resumed soon too. Several doctors next week. Tuesday Infectious Disease. I feel certain the infection is being killed but it will be good to know for certain. Though my hands are still really dry, no cracks or pain. The cream proscribed by my doctor really worked great. And next time I will get help before it gets so bad. I am learning. Latex allergy I guess. The glove liners provided by Theresa and Jackie, then the non-latex glues seem to be the perfect combination. You should see our house. Soap and paper towels everywhere. Along with trash cans overflowing and laundry running constantly. Trying not to reuse anything Joe touches just to be sure. No sign of infection for me or boys. Not even worried anymore about that but still really careful.

Work on hold....again. There is no way I am leaving Joe for more than an hour at least until we see ID on Tuesday. The infection came on so fast the last time, it getting significantly worse over the four hours I was at work. Not letting that happen again until it is gone from his system.

Funny that he asked me to take him to his lab yesterday in order for him to do a MRSA test on himself using stuff he has in his lab. He wants to see his results and compare to ID's results. Incredible. Struggles to not spill his food while eating but still can do lab work. I just shake my head in wonder and amazement...like so often before.

Reminded again, to always be thankful for so many blessings. Hugs, Ginny