Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Post from Joe via Lisa


In October, when I was suffeereing from my MRSA, the insurance company paid for a nurse, Denise Humphrey, to change my IV and dressings every few days. Ginny was to change the IV lines on the days in between. It was pretty complicated, and wheen Ginny made some slight errors the first few times, she was very upset. She leaned on Denise, who was very kind and patient with Ginny, and gave Ginny the confidence she needed. Last Mondaay, Denise was working at Huntsville Hospital and went for a bathroom break. Her co-workers found her 15 minutes later, slumped on the floor in a coma. We don't know what happpened except that Denise had an irregulaaar heartbeat that may have contributed She was comatose all week, and when an MRI revealed extensive brain daamage, her family took her off life support (she had a living will). Denise died yesterday. She was only 37 years old, and left a husband, a son Connor, aged 9, and Samantha, age 11. Please join me in praying for the repose of Denise and for her family.




  1. We are all praying for her family. How difficult for them to lose her so young.

  2. I have the Humphrey family in my prayers.

    Erica W.

  3. That is just awful. I will keep her family in my prayers...


Please be considerate in all comments as families of the victims will see this.