Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oct. 3 11 pm. from Joe's Dad tPhil Leahy hrough Lisa

Dear Family and Friends,

Talked to Joe and Gin. They went to mass tonight, all impressed by Joe's surgery results. They had lasagna brought to them for supper--another one of those stories with all the connections. Mark Roberts brought over the lasagna that he made; he is a Huntsville police officer who was one of the first on the scene at UAH and saw Joe at that time. Mark's wife, Mary, is Joe's occupational therapist, and so it goes. Mark said he could not believe what he saw in Joe. Thought it would have been million to one that he might survive. "Truly a miracle" he said. Love, Dad/Phil

Yes, we have witnessed a miracle. Good night everyone. Love, Lisa


  1. That's Joe. One in a million! That quiet determination we saw even when we were kids. Wonderful news!


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